Sunday, October 24, 2010

Session 9 (week 10): Emerging and Future Technologies

"You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say, 'Why not?'"
- George Bernard Shaw

This quote was aptly chosen by Prof to introduce this week's topic on emerging and future technologies. One needs to challenge his mind in order to create new concepts and develop new technologies. Being bounded by the current norm, or what is considered 'acceptable' would cause a stagnation in development.

With that in mind, some of the presentations this week did bring up rather interesting problems.

The first was the presentation that challenges the concept that humans and robots cannot develop a relationship. One example from our youth would be the obsession some people had with their tamagotchi toys. A more recent example could include this - Love Plus. A game developed by Japanese software developers that has real men trying to date virtual girls, and has even caused positive spillovers to the tourism industry. For more information, check out the following sites:

Men Treat virtual girlfriends to beach vacations

Virtual Girlfriends, Real Boyfriends and the Japanese Town which loves them

Only in Japan, Real Men Go To a Hotel with Virtual Girlfriends

although these developments are quite interesting, they have potentially disastrous consequences to humans and the human race. It can be seen from the high number of people who are into such activities, and the need for men to develop a perfect woman robot (which is subservient and serves his every need) that there is a growing divide between men and women. Instead of traditional relationships with a flesh-and-blood female, men are turning to these alternatives to get their comfort. This could be a result of the 'instantaneous' nature of the 21st century, where the 'here and now' is more important and common than rewards after a long struggle. This has also shaped relationship such that people expect to get the rewards instantaneously, without putting in the effort. Such technology has also the effect of further objectifying women into objects which men use to seek pleasure, and nothing more. That CANNOT bode well for the future relationships between men and women, especially the steps that women have taken towards emancipation over the past decades.

I find this to be a worrying trend, or it could be that I have a vested interest and feel this way. It seems like most of the guys in the room were not the least bit disturbed by these developments though.

The technology which I personally find fascinating is the concept of charging electronic devices wirelessly. That would definitely remove much of the hassle of having to deal with wires that are all over the place, and have a tendency to get tangled. It would greatly improve our mobility and streamline the appearance and processes. It would also spell the end to the wire industry - which might not be such a bad thing.

Overall, I felt that the new technologies being presented were quite interesting, and would rate the session a 7 out of 10.

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