Saturday, August 28, 2010

interesting articles about human interaction with technology

Here are some interesting articles I chanced upon when I was reading the news this week and I though I'll just share them here as well.

Character Amnesia (
This article talks about how use of computers and predictive text has altered the way we remember words, especially for pictorial languages such as Chinese and Japanese. This results in many people forgetting how to write words (myself included). I found it interesting as it shows explicitly how technology can affect us in our daily lives.

Technology and Personality (
This article looks at how usage of technology, especially the "instant gratification" effect, can alter our personalities.

Technology and Our Brains
These two articles look more on how technology affects how our brain functions, and how taking a break from technology can be good for the functioning of our brains.

That's the end of my interesting articles for this week. I will post more if I come across them. To end off this post, I would just like to share this website ( retails a type of sustainable furniture made from recycled materials, which is functional, saves space and is fun to play with :)

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