Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Session 1 - an Introduction

Monday was the first lesson of TWC under Dr Gurinder Shahi.

The class started with introductions from both the Prof and the students, and we heard some really interesting things. After going through the course requirements with the class, we went on to explore the history of human development as well as certain concepts on technology and world change and what they mean specifically.

A part of the debate was on the interaction between creativity, innovation and invention. This reminded me of an article which happened to appear in yesterday's papers (see:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/16/arts/16iht-design16.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=genius&st) However, I felt that too much of the discussion kept going around in circles as everyone was essentially saying the same thing as they had a different definition of the terms 'creativity', 'innovation' and 'invention'.

As it was an introductory lesson, I think most of the concepts will be explored more thoroughly in the subsequent lessons but it seemed like people were getting involved in the discussion :) which makes the learning process more enjoyable for everyone.

I would probably rate the lesson at 7 on a scale of 0-10.

1 comment:

  1. The first lesson was about defining the key words for TWC thus it got a little "going around in circle". From session 2 onwards, there will be more class discussion on the topics raised by individual presentation. Hope you will find that future lessons will have a direction.
